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10,000 years old. Brand: New.

Welcome to the new branding for ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Council!

Our new brand reflects a significant engagement process with community members, artists, and elders on the Lands. On May 22, it was approved by the Board of Directors, which represents the eleven communities of the ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ Council.

Our rebranding began with a desire to address an existing brand that was not only outdated but, more curiously, was inspired by Indonesian culture rather than Tjukurrpa.

In rebranding, we wanted to address the inconsistency of branding throughout our businesses and divisions. We wanted our proactive work in dealing with existing silos throughout the Council to be reflected in our branding as well.

Creating Communities was commissioned for a branding process that began with community engagement. They took on these community aspirations and sought to reflect these values in our brand development.

Our brief was for a memorable brand reflective of culture that is accessible and easily reproducible across many mediums.

Our consultative approach embraced the artwork and inspiration of the arts communities in Warburton, Wingellina, and others. In total, 21 artworks informed the palette and artistic direction of the new brand.

These works featured a strong prevalence of rock holes and a familiar loose, organic style, both of which are reflected in the new brand.

Our palette reflects the colours of ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ lands—their contrast and diversity.

We’ve taken inspiration from these artworks rather than trying to represent all aspects of culture (Tjukurrpa) in one device - that’s impossible! 

While inspired by different artworks, it’s ultimately a brandmark that will serve us in all the varied ways we express ourselves visually. 

We look forward to showing you more of the brand in action in the upcoming months as we re-launch our website, develop printed and digital media, and roll out the brand across merchandise. 

Stay tuned, and welcome to our new brand! 

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