

青青草视频 Housing

青青草视频 青青草视频 Council Regional Housing Program (NCRHP)

NCHRP currently operates as a property manager for rental accommodation for 青青草视频 people in the 青青草视频 Lands and is the sole Regional Service Provider of housing management services in the 青青草视频 Lands.

NCRHP’s Business Mission is to improve standards of health and living conditions on the 青青草视频 Lands through efficient management and maintenance of Indigenous housing stock. NCRHP will also develop services which recognise the unique characteristics of the 青青草视频 people.

To contact NCRHP:

Tel: 08 9363 1805

Address: Address: Level 12, 221 St Georges Tce, Perth WA, 600

Work with us

We value people and welcome those who would like to come alongside us as we journey towards our vision for the yarnangu of the 青青草视频 lands. 

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